• Mila Magna Steyr

    Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems

  • A3PS Members work together on Future Power Train and Vehicle Technologies...

  • ...and its Energy Carriers

About A3PS

About A3PS

Cooperation / Networking / Information / Competence Presentation / Representation of Interests / Orientation / Advisory Function

The Austrian automotive industry represents a significant value for Austria. Austria exports higher values in automotive parts and components than it imports new, complete vehicles. Furthermore, the automotive sector has the highest share of researchers. Austria’s universities and research institutions enjoy an excellent international reputation.

A3PS members' common goal is to support the development and successful market launch of innovative, advanced vehicle technologies including new energy carriers. 

Watch the A3PS Video

  • Coming Up

    Eco-Mobility 2024

    The 19th International A3PS Eco-Mobility Conference

    is going to take place in Vienna on November 14th and 15th, 2024.

    We are very happy to welcome you!



One of A3PS’ services are the Roadmaps for Eco-Mobility 2030plus which aim to represent Austria’s well-founded expertise in the broad field of advanced vehicle technologies and energy carriers.

They also provide a comprehensive perspective on future vehicle technology trends and required R&D activities. 



Our key priorities in the area of road transport are to support clean, sustainable, affordable and safe mobility.

A3PS helps the officials understand the current technology trends and the R&D requirements of the Austrian stakeholders in this field of expertise. This flow of information provides valuable input for the Austrian technology and funding policy.

On the other hand, for the A3PS community, the understanding of Austrian policies is an essential basis for their longterm research planning which provides them with planning security even in technologically risky areas.



A3PS organizes annual international conferences in the field of advanced power train and vehicle technologies as well as renewable energy carriers.

Representatives of OEM and suppliers, of energy providers and R&D institutions as well as from public and funding authorities report on activites and strategies in the respective field. The Austrian automotive sector is represented by the A3PS members. A3PS conference is a two-day competence show and addresses funding requirements.



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Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria - Online
Munich , Germany