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Our key priorities in the area of road transport are to support clean, sustainable, affordable and safe mobility.

A3PS is a strategic partnership between politics, business and science. A3PS strengthens the position of Austrian industry and research institutions in the areas of advanced drive systems, innovative vehicle technologies, new energy sources and storage for mobile applications.

Our members

Four thematic expert groups

A3PS members congregate in four thematic expert groups. These groups elaborate positions, trends R&D and demands concering the essentail legal framework for prospective technologies in Roadmaps and Position Papers.

What we do

With the help of our Members we bundle expertise and prepare information for experts and the public. We provide Roadmaps, Position Papers, organize Conferences and offer Expert Networking.

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Quick check of current topics

Find out about latest News in the field of advanced propulsion systems and sustainable energy carriers.

Konferenz A3PS

14-15 November 2024

Palais Palffy / 1010 Vienna

19th International A3PS Conference

Eco-Mobility 2024

Sustainable Energy Carriers and Innovative Propulsion Systems in a Circular Economy

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Our exclusive newsletter contains the very latest news and events in the fields of advanced power trains and vehicle technologies as well as renewable energy carriers.