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found 11 presentations

Towards decarbonising air transport: Li-ion batteries technologies for next generation aircraft

Michele De Gennaro
Dr. Michele De Gennaro // AIT
2023 - Day 1
2023/11/16 - Session 1: BEV

Thermal Battery Stack Modeling and Simulation for Optimizing Vehicle Operating Strategy

Dominik Dvorak
Dominik Dvorak // AIT
2014 - Day 2
2014/10/21 Eco-Mobility

Cooling Concept Design Aided by Numerical Simulations of Air Cooled Electric Drive

Alessandro Zanon // AIT
2015 - Day 2
2015/11/10 Electric Power Train Technologies

Technology Ecosystem of Automated Driving

Christian Chimani // AIT
2016 - Day 1
2016/10/17/Vehicle Technologies incl. ADAS

A StepTowards European Automotive Battery Production

Boschidar Ganev
Boschidar Ganev // AIT
2017 - Day 1
2017/11/09/Propulsion Technologies

Battery Cell Innovation – From test tube to industrial production

Marcus Jahn
2018 - Day 1
2018/11/12 Session BEV

Wire based additive manufacturing of Al- and Mg-based light weight components

Christian Chimani
Christian Chimani // AIT
2019 - Day 2
Advanced Vehicle Concepts (2019-11-15)

15 Years A3PS

DI Anton Plimon
DI Anton Plimon // AIT
2021 - Day 1
2021/11/18 Keynotes

Innovative lightweight construction - an important contribution to zero-emission mobility of the future

Dr. Christian Chimani
2021 - Day 2
2021/11/19 Session 3: Commercial Vehicles

QUIET - QUalifying and Implementing a user-centric designed and EfficienT electric vehicle

Dragan Simic
2020/11/19 Session 4: Advanced Vehicle Concepts

Climate-friendly Batteries for Tomorrow's Mobility

Dr. Marcus Jahn
2022 - Day 1
2022/11/24 - Session 1: Advanced Electric Vehicle Technologies

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