The RIC (Regionales Innovations Centrum) GmbH - called “RIC” is a subsidiary of BRP-Rotax GmbH & Co KG and is best described as facility which houses a unique collaborative network of individuals who combine their superior theoretical know-how and practical knowledge to create the engine technologies of the future. It is a place where innovation is born; where new competences are developed with enthusiasm, enjoyment, and with the highest level of professionalism which helps develop cutting-edge solutions and new skills to help create solutions for the future of the economy, such as industry to be prepared for Industry 4.0, and production of the future in "Lot size 1". Further on it uses digitalization in its entire processes such as paperless workflows in the apprenticeship training.
Innovation and Qualification Projects
With its focus on research and practical application, the RIC serves as a high-tech enabler for innovative drive systems in powersports and as a central driving force for the economy.
The RIC has three state-of-the-art test rigs, which can be hired from our partners in industry and science. We manufacture high-quality 3D-printed PA12 (polyamide) parts and in the near future we will start with producing components on a 5-axis-machine.
To deliver on the mission of the RIC - state-of-the-art technological research and training hotspot - it ensures constant collaboration with universities and the industry. With the certified ROTAX Academy we ensure that the pool of highly skilled individuals can maximize their knowledge.
The certified ROTAX Academy
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offers high-quality, practical education and training for young people and adults.
There are also various projects and activities in the area of “Youth and Technology” for kids and teenagers to awake their enthusiasm for science and technology in the future supported by the RIC:
- TEC2move
- McTECH 4 Teachers
- McTECH Workshops
The project TEC2move is an initiative within the framework “talents regional” powered by -among others- the Federal Ministry of Leobon and Economy. In recent years the RIC attracted a lot of young people with its projects and gained popularity in the region.
The RIC believes in innovation and qualification and sees itself as an impulse generator in the region.
Rotaxstraße 3
4623 Gunskirchen