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JOANNEUM RESEARCH is one of the largest non-university research institutions in Austria. Our role as an innovative partner for business and administration is reflected in our wide range of services from applied research and development to custom-designed technical business consulting. Eco-mobility is one of the main research areas of the research group “Future Energy Systems and Lifestyle”, part of LIFE – Centre for Climate, Energy Systems and Society. Based on our broad technical know-how, we offer development and assessment of eco-mobility, its integration into future renewable energy systems and the evaluation of effects of energy lifestyles to reach the 1.5° C target in the year 2100, as set out in the Paris Agreement.


Our activities in eco-mobility cover the entire range of transport systems based on renewable fuels – bio fuels, renewable electricity and hydrogen. We develop and analyse technical concepts for biofuel production based on various biomass resources: bio-diesel, bioethanol from sugar and starch, biofuels from algae, biomethane from biogas and synthetic biofuels, bioethanol and Fischer-Tropsch diesel from wood and straw and biofuels from biorefineries in co-production with biochemicals and biomaterials. In close cooperation with industry partners we provide technical and sustainability assessments of     e-mobility and hydrogen demonstration activities, based on renewable and fossil energy carriers. Analysis of user behaviour, acceptance and lifestyle aspects of innovative transport technologies complement our research profile.

Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment

We offer Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), where we analyse and assess environmental, economic and social aspects of transportation systems. The systematic analysis of the sustainability effects of products and services is covering the entire life-time, from their production, to their use and disposal. We offer our expertise to industry partners and public authorities during the research and development phase of eco-efficient and sustainable transport systems, including the entire diversity of power trains, energy supply chains and related bandwidth of environmental effects as well as the influence of various lifestyles.

International Energy Agency

Our activities are connected with the International Energy Agency (IEA) by representing Austria in the Implementing Agreement “Hybrid and Electric Vehicles” in the following Tasks: Task 30 “Environmental effects of electric vehicles”, Task 33 “Battery electric busses” and Task 40 “CRM4EV Critical Raw Material for Electric Vehicles”.

DI Dr. techn. Gerfried Jungmeier
Kontakt Email

Leonhardstraße 59
8010 Graz


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