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Institute of Production Engineering

Graz University of Technology


Guided by the principle "Precision guarantees our future," the Institute of Production Engineering has a longstanding commitment to researching topics within the realm of Precision Engineering, with a specific emphasis on machine tool design, finishing processes (e.g. grinding), and manufacturing metrology. Recent achievements include the advancement of the RPM-synchronous grinding process to production readiness as well as extensive investigations into ultrasonic-assisted machining for milling and drilling applications. Further contributions have been made in determining optimal machining parameters for the cutting of titanium-alloys and the development of 3D-printed shoe nozzles for improved coolant supply in grinding applications. Our current research focuses on using "Edge Devices" and AI algorithms for high-frequency data acquisition to improve processes and enhance quality in both grinding and turning. At IFT, precision is a guiding principle across all facets of product and process development. Beyond the geometric measurement of machine tools according to ISO 230, we are increasingly emphasizing the application and dissemination of tolerance principles within the ISO-GPS system in our research and teaching efforts.


The Institute's latest research venture addresses the essential transformation in production to meet the demands of the mobility revolution. An initial outcome is the Battery Research Laboratory, where the automated assembly and contacting of future battery systems are developed and tested. In addition to automating assembly, the disassembly of battery systems for recycling is a crucial topic currently addressed in a major research project. Beyond batteries, the manufacturing of bipolar plates for fuel cells and the stacking of so-called fuel cell stacks are also areas of ongoing research. A source of particular pride is our in-house developed and custom-built geometric battery cell tester, which autonomously and visually examines dimensions and surfaces of diverse types of battery cells.


Robotics is an extremely dynamic field of research, currently significantly influenced by the concepts of Industry 5.0 and the merging of classical industrial robots with humanoid robots. The present labour market situation and rising labour costs contribute to the fact that, even in smaller and medium-sized enterprises, industrial robots are predominantly used in the context of "Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC)." In addition to researching automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for the agile production of the future, our institute is also engaged in the development of new robotics technology. Notable examples include additive-manufactured gripper geometries for assembly solutions in fuel cell, gearbox, and chip production. Furthermore, the institute is involved in the development of a new gearbox concept through our spin-off venture "Kraken Innovations."


Additive manufacturing has undeniably reshaped the landscape of production, finding its place as a transformative force in prototyping, small-scale production, and mass manufacturing alike. At IFT, we particularly focus our research on metallic 3D printing. We are actively working on developing new 3D printing parameters for the laser powder bed fusion process and the wire-based WAAM (Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing) process. A novel method we're actively exploring is the patented SLEDM (Selective LED Printing of Metals) process, a layer-by-layer application of material fused with the previously constructed component using concentrated LED light. Our research places a spotlight on materials such as aluminium and magnesium, both being classical lightweight materials. Additionally, additive manufacturing presents an opportunity to achieve significant reductions in component mass through functional integration and topology optimization. These savings prove particularly advantageous in the realm of mobility, encompassing aerospace as well as automotive applications. However, to translate these ideas into tangible products, a synergistic interplay between additive methods and traditional subtractive processes is essential. At IFT, we possess expertise in both realms.


The smartfactory@tugraz is research and learning factory where machines, measuring technology, and software for manufacturing and assembly are interconnected into a Cyber-Physical Production System using state-of-the-art information and communication technology. The smartfactory@tugraz serves research, education, and knowledge transfer purposes. It is designed for researchers, students, and companies in trade and industry, positioning itself as a companion on the journey towards digitization, connectivity, and sustainability.


The fluid power working group is integrated into the Institute of Production Engineering, leveraging synergies with both manufacturing and machine tool engineering. The implementation of hydraulic and pneumatic solutions often presents various manufacturing challenges, which the institute swiftly and efficiently resolves through its extensive production expertise. In teaching, theoretical knowledge is conveyed in the lecture hall and then practically applied in the laboratory. The fluid power laboratory, with its facilities and workstations, serves as an exemplary model with international distinction. Key areas of research include the development of valves and actuators, alongside the creation of devices that harness the high-power density of hydraulics. Consequently, the institute tailors fluid power solutions for various domains, spanning from specialized testing equipment for geotechnical applications to innovative drive systems for the construction machinery industry. Recently, two projects in collaboration with the company Schwing Stetter were honoured with the Innovation Prize of the state of Carinthia.


Teaching is a highly significant aspect of our institute's activities. We place particular importance on the research-guided conception and delivery of courses. This means that current research findings from all areas are directly incorporated into lectures and exercises. In 2020, our teaching workshop was newly equipped with modern machinery, a completely renovated hall, and a new concept aimed at introducing students, who have never had prior experience with manufacturing machines in their education, to workshop activities. This introduction is crucial for mechanical engineering and fosters enthusiasm for translating ideas into practical work. The laboratory exercise "Manufacturing Technology" elucidates the connection between the manufacturing process and the finished product. An illustrative example is a valve, where dimensional and surface accuracy significantly influence the valve characteristic and, consequently, its functionality.

Here is an overview of the courses that the IFT (Institute of Manufacturing Technology) offers for the Bachelor's and Master's programs:

• Production Technology

• Production Engineering

• Industrial Manufacturing

• Industrial Robots

• Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

• Design of Production Systems

• Robotics and Automation

• Advanced Processing Technologies


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Haas
+43 316 873 - 7170
Kontakt Email

Kopernikusgasse 24/I
8010 Graz


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