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Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives

Vienna University of Technology
The Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives focuses on three main topics:
  • Electrical power systems
  • Electrical drives and machines
  • Energy economics
The institute covers – in research and teaching – the whole range from analyzing global energy systems to investigating optimal solutions for power systems including power plants and grids to specific applications of technologies like electric drives and power electronics for industry and transport applications. Finally, our objective is to support the transition of our energy system into a sustainable one. We work on optimal solutions in the whole energy chain incl. supply, generation, transmission, distribution and highly efficient  energy  conversion  in  electric  and  hybrid vehicles. From the point of view of Alternative Propulsion Systems we can assist you in topics like
  • How should an autonomous distributed regenerative energy system be implemented. Which issue does a sustainable energy system play. What are the effects for the supply guarantee or for the reliableness of our power systems.
  • What does it mean if you get your fuel from the wall socket for the energy markets. How does future energy mix look like. Which kind of human machine interfaces are best for both, the consumer and the market.
  • Which  components  should  be  used  for  the  Propulsion Systems themselves (permanent magnet synchronous machines, induction machines, reluctance motors) and how should they be controlled (control law, inverter system). Is it possible to substitute the speed sensor even at low speed and standstill (e.g. with INFORM-method)
The Institute of Energy Systems and Electrical Drives offers research cooperations with national and international industrial companies. Should you have interest in a cooperation please contact us.
O.Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.techn. Manfred Schrödl
Kontakt Email

Gusshausstraße 25-29/370
1040 Vienna


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