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Institute of Electrical Measurement and Sensor Systems

Graz University of Technology

The research activities of the Institute of Electrical Measurement and Sensor Systems (EMS) at Graz University of Technology are focused on the following main topics:

Automotive and industrial sensor design

Automotive applications, e.g. for monitoring tank fill level or fuel flow call for robust sensor systems that can be manufactured at low cost. For this reason, non-contacting principles (i.e. pneumatic, optical, capacitive) are proposed, which exploit sensor components already available in the vehicle to minimize required constructional effort and cost (sensor fusion). Many sensor principles developed by EMS were brought to serial production in cooperation with industrial partners.

Power electronics and hybrid vehicle technology

Research activities concerning modern vehicle concepts and alternative fuels include, but are not limited to:

  • Powertrain modelling for conventional, hybrid and electric vehicles
  • Design, evaluation, modelling and characterization of energy storage
  • Power electronics design and optimization

Modelling the powertrain and energy storage is performed to simulate the entire onboard energy supply system. This allows for the creation of realistic load profiles and assessment of particular onboard components over the entire life-time.

Research on energy storage includes development and evaluation of battery models, characterizing the entire life-time, as well as the current charge condition. The models are parameterized/verified by experimental data assessing fundamental physical quantities (e.g. pressure, temperature). 

In addition to simulation, alternative energy storage devices are developed and evaluated at EMS, for instance with the aim to design or improve electromechanical flywheel systems for vehicles. This includes the enhancement of the efficiency of the active magnetic parts as well as the application of modern composite materials to increase specific energy.

With respect to high-speed power electronics simulation and design, EMS provides support for industrial partners, ranging from thermal optimization and EMC compliance verification for electronic circuits to the development of control strategies.

Renewable energy and sustainable transportation

The institute’s success in the fields of energy storage and low-power design has led to the founding of the Energy Aware Measurement Systems Group, which conducts high-end research in the fields of renewable energy and sustainable mobility. Activities range from EU-funded research on solar power to flagship projects on EV charging infrastructure or hydrogen vehicles.

Prof. Hannes Wegleiter , Prof. Alexander Bergmann
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Inffeldgasse 23
8010 Graz


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