15th International A3PS Conference
Eco-Mobility 2020 - VIRTUAL LIVE EVENT
Sustainable Propulsion – from Research to Road
Efficient Propulsion Concepts and Sustainable Energy Carriers
took place on 19 November 2020 as a virtual live event, produced in the Sky Stage - Tech Gate Vienna, Donau-City-Straße 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria.
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In 2020 an important step on the way to our target of a carbon-neutral mobility was set by the proposed European Climate Law, based on the European Green Deal, Roadmap of the European Commission. The very ambitious CO2 limits for the transport sector for 2030 demand urgent implementation of measures in order to achieve defined climate targets. That means successful research results from the lab must find their way through industrialization to road and to customers.
- Are the actions from today sufficient to stay on track to achieve 2030 goals?
- Which different forms of alternative propulsion systems will find broad customer acceptance?
- What role will Life Cycle Assessment have to evaluate most sustainable mobility solutions?
- Which legal framework conditions are necessary to accelerate the transformation process in the mobility sector?
- How will the building up of alternative supply infrastructures progress?
Eco-Mobility 2020 discussed the impacts of different propulsion system solutions and provide in-depth information on latest developments and innovative strategies. Leading representatives from industry, R&D and technology policy reported on activities and strategies for the successful development and market introduction of efficient propulsion concepts and sustainable energy carriers.
Schedule and Programme
09:30 am - Opening | 01:40 pm - Discussion Session 3: Hybrids and Fuels Specialist Presentations |
09:50 am - Discussion Session 1: Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Specialist Presentations | 03:00 pm - Discussion Session 4: Advanced Vehicle Concepts Specialist Presentations |
11:10 am - Discussion Session 2: Battery Electric Vehicle Specialist Presentations | 04:20 pm - Plenary Discussion with speakers and specialists |
01:00 pm - Keynote | 05:20 pm Closing Remarks |
Conference General Chair:
Dr. Michael Nöst, MBA, (A3PS)
Conference Committee:
DI Hanno Miorini, MBA, Chairman of Committee (BOSCH)
Dr. Andreas Dorda, Governmental Representative (BMK)
Dr. Christian Chimani (AIT)
DI Roland Hintringer, MBA (MIBA)
DI (FH) Thomas Uitz (OMV)
Conference Organisation & Programme
Dr. Elisabeth Luchini, Org. Chair
Contact: eco-mobility@a3ps.at