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Eco-Mobility 2018

The 13th A3PS Conference Eco Mobility 2018 took place on 12 and 13 November 2018 in Vienna. 

This year's motto was:
Future Propulsion Systems: different regions – different strategies – different solutions.

A big "thank you" to all participants and guests and - of course - to all speakers and exhibitors who contributed to the success of the Eco Mobility 2018.

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over 100 participants on two conference days
5 international keynotes from politics, industry and R&D institutions
from different world regions: China, USA, Brazil and Europe
16 specialist presentations in 4 sessions:
Battery Electric Vehicles
Combustion Engines and Fuels
Fuel Cell Vehicles and Hydrogen
Automated Driving
plenary discussion with keynote speakers
exhibition of vehicles, components and posters
networking, Social Evening with live band and wine tasting event

The conference provided an overview of

  • strategies, activities and expected solutions for sustainable mobility systems in face of growing demand for transport in different regions of the world,
  • on-going developments and research activities in the field of innovative propulsion systems. 

Following the opening by the BMVIT (Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology) and keynotes from China, the U.S., South America and Europe invited guests and member institutions of the A3PS presented research activities and results.
For details please refer to the conference programme and to the presentation slides.


Excerpt from the closing remarks by Wolfgang Kriegler, CEO and Chair of the Board of A3PS:

"Welcome Address. The conference started with the Welcome Address from Dr. Dorda, BMVIT, giving an overview of the Austrian funding situation and actual research calls.

The keynote speakers discussed strategies and solutions of different regions: China, Europe, South and North America. Prof. Zhang gave insight on targets of the Chinese government, for instance remarkable 80 million charging stations. Prof. Zhang, Gereon Meyer and Ann Schlenker shared similar targets, however, South America is heading in a different direction – rich in resources but still occupied in pioneering, offering not much space for alternative propulsion systems.

The common targets of the U.S., the EU and China are:

  • introduction of electrification for carbon neutral or even carbon free mobility
  • reduction of dependency from fossil fuels
  • introduction of new energy carriers: hydrogen (H2), e-fuels and ammonia (NH3)
  • a total system approach becoming more and more important - leading to integrated mobility solutions for smart cities

Finally, Jörg Wind, Daimler, presented an almost 100% electric future (BEV & FCEV) and showed a wide range of Daimler vehicles, which will be introduced to the market soon.

Technical Session “Battery Electric Vehicles”. In the first session the audience learned about strategies how to improve batteries in terms of performance and sustainability, about the effects of e-mobility on the energy system and how to adopt the “Paris Life Style” (Gerfried Jungmeier: the life style necessary to reach the Paris climate goals). Horst Mooshandl showed how green the yellow Austrian Post AG is.

Technical Session “Combustion Engines & Fuels”. Different approaches to increase efficiency were presented: collecting the last possible percentages in efficiency is a worthwhile activity because internal combustion engines in heavy duty application will stay on our roads for longer.

Technical Session “Fuel Cell Vehicles & Hydrogen”. In this session the ambitious goal of H2Mobility to install up to 400 H2-filling stations in Germany was presented. Furthermore the audience learned about the most reasonable and cost efficient applications for fuel cells in vehicles in a contribution from HyCentA.

Technical Session “Automated Driving”. Dr. Paulweber enthusiastically talked about the importance and challenges of virtual validation. Finally automated driving activities and projects in Austria were presented, such as the new test regions Alp.LAB and DigiTrans as well as “Connecting Austria”. TTTech reported about a sophisticated software platform ensuring nothing less than cyber security for automated driving.

Given the size of our country we can be proud of the magnitude of activities performed in Austria by the research departments of the industrial members and academic partners."

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