On 15th and 16th November 2011 the A3PS organized it´s 6th international conference in Vienna. Representatives from industry, research institutions and public authorithies presented and discussed their strategies, roadmaps and projects for the market introduction of alternative propulsion systems and fuels.
Day 1
Keynote Session
Andreas Dorda
Bernd Heid
Martin Lenz
Kenji Miura
Bert De Colvenaer
Session 1
Helfried Sorger
Petra Schemitsch / Manfred Klell
Viktor Hacker
Manfred Schrödl
Session 2
Helmut Eichlseder / Manfred Klell
Luis Cachon
Gerfried Jungmeier
Daniel Huber
Day 2
Keynote Session
Lucio Bernard
Manfred Schuckert
Leevon Tian
Markus Bichler
Wolfgang Wukisiewitsch
Daniel Watzenig
Christian Chimani